====== Edit the Author of an existing Comment ====== from [[https://www.extendoffice.com/documents/word/5513-word-comments-author-name-change.html]] Sub ChangeCommentAuthor() 'Updated by EntendOffice 20181112 Dim I As Long Dim xNewName As String Dim xShortName As String If Selection.Comments.Count = 0 Then MsgBox "No comments in your selection!", vbInformation, "KuTools for Word" Exit Sub End If xNewName = InputBox("New author name?", "KuTools for Word") xShortName = InputBox("New author initials?", "KuTools for Word") If xNewName = "" Or xShortName = "" Then MsgBox "The author name/initials can’t be empty.", vbInformation, "Kutools for Word" Exit Sub End If With Selection For I = 1 To .Comments.Count .Comments(I).Author = xNewName .Comments(I).Initial = xShortName Next I End With End Sub