====== Zammad CSRF Token verification failed ====== https://community.zammad.org/t/csrf-token-verification-failed-docker-nginx-zammand-conf/6212/3 Figured out that Zammad is listening on HTTP but the settings were set to HTTPS which is really what I want to use but to get it working I set zammad to http using this command. docker exec -it zammad-docker-compose_zammad-railsserver_1 bash rails c Setting.get('http_type') => "https" Setting.set('http_type','http') quit exit docker-compose down docker-compose up -d So from what I can understand now, My reverse proxy takes the connection via https, then connects to zammad via http. I tried so many things to make https work all the way through, but it just doesn’t and changing any settings in the zammad-nginx container doesn’t seem to work for whatever reason. I’m not a docker expert so I don’t understand how that works.