====== Setting up Standalone S2S-VPN Wireguard ====== ===== Gettings WG staus ===== wg show ==== Starting/Stopping WG ==== wg-quick up wgx wg-quick down wgx ===== Installing WG ===== apt install wireguard-tools Benötigt Linux Kernel 5.6 oder höher. ===== Generating Keys ===== Beide seiten benötigen unabhängige Keys. wg genkey | tee >(wg pubkey) Für Post-Quanten-Sicheres stuff kann man auch einen PSK generieren. Dieser muss auf beiden Seiten dann identisch sein. wg genpsk ===== Configuration ===== ==== "Server" config ==== [Interface] Address = 10.99.x.1/30 # this address is the tunnel address ListenPort = 31037 # this port is the port that should be listened on. PrivateKey = 6GcJf56i5dY30t7tyuGExlJFl/vkiYcyfvDrTJoevWg= # PresharedKey = # optional PostUp = iptables -A FORWARD -i %i -j ACCEPT # commands here get executed on tunnel up, useful for firewall config for example PostDown = iptables -D FORWARD -i %i -j ACCEPT [Peer] #Name = XY PublicKey = KSODnmNkJG+ASAirrpmZJhEHwnCNoa7fIhvBS/txJQY= AllowedIPs = # IP-Space of the Client that is allowed to be routed through. ==== "Client" conf ==== [Interface] Address = 10.99.x.2/30 #ListenPort = 51820 # If ListenPort is not set, a random port is chosen. For example for a Client behind NAT this is not needed PrivateKey = qEX8Ag5QmckFHRGX8Cg308N1XXzfp3VXE2MKYPlA2Eo= #PresharedKey = # optional PostUp = iptables -A FORWARD -i %i -j ACCEPT PostDown = iptables -D FORWARD -i %i -j ACCEPT [Peer] PublicKey = 28b1ickTXZiU5XtZbsj6YJuzhkcJXrNP145C3MGBQS0= AllowedIPs = # this means everything is routed. For a split tunnel, only route certain subnets. Endpoint = # This Client will reach out to the hardcoded Endpoint. It can be specified on both sides. PersistentKeepalive = 25 # Send a keepalive packet every 25s ==== starting wg ==== wg-quick up wgx ==== always start wg ==== systemctl enable wg-quick@wgx ==== Routing ==== :!: Dont forget to add the firewall rules!