


Uni-Marburg Opencast


Step 1: (‎18/‎05/‎2021 16:21:57) User left click on „Microsoft Edge (region)“ in „ILIAS Marburg - Vorlesung 6 - [InPrivate] - Microsoft​ Edge“

Step 2: (‎18/‎05/‎2021 16:21:59) User left click on „Vorlesung 6_1 (document)“ in „Vorlesung 6_1 and 1 more page - [InPrivate] - Microsoft​ Edge“

Step 3: (‎18/‎05/‎2021 16:22:02) User left click in „Vorlesung 6_1 and 1 more page - [InPrivate] - Microsoft​ Edge“

Step 4: (‎18/‎05/‎2021 16:22:03) User keyboard input on „Vorlesung 6_1 and 1 more page - [InPrivate] - Microsoft​ Edge (window)“ in „Vorlesung 6_1 and 1 more page - [InPrivate] - Microsoft​ Edge“ [F12 … STRG-F … „mp4“]

Step 5: (‎18/‎05/‎2021 16:22:11) User left double click in „Vorlesung 6_1 and 1 more page - [InPrivate] - Microsoft​ Edge“

Step 6: (‎18/‎05/‎2021 16:22:12) User keyboard input on „Vorlesung 6_1 and 1 more page - [InPrivate] - Microsoft​ Edge (window)“ in „Vorlesung 6_1 and 1 more page - [InPrivate] - Microsoft​ Edge“ [… STRG-C]

Step 7: (‎18/‎05/‎2021 16:22:14) User left click on „New Tab (button)“ in „Vorlesung 6_1 and 1 more page - [InPrivate] - Microsoft​ Edge“

Step 8: (‎18/‎05/‎2021 16:22:15) User keyboard input on „New tab and 2 more pages - [InPrivate] - Microsoft​ Edge (window)“ in „New tab and 2 more pages - [InPrivate] - Microsoft​ Edge“ [… STRG-V EINGABE]

Step 9: (‎18/‎05/‎2021 16:22:19) User left click on „Downloads (document)“

Step 10: (‎18/‎05/‎2021 16:22:21) User left click on „File name: (edit)“ in „Save As“

Step 11: (‎18/‎05/‎2021 16:22:23) User keyboard input on „File name: (edit)“ in „Save As“ [… EINGABE]

Additional Details

The following section contains the additional details that were recorded.

These details help accurately identify the programs and UI you used in this recording.

This section may contain text that is internal to programs that only very advanced users or programmers may understand.

Please review these details to ensure that they do not contain any information that you would not like others to see.

Recording Session: ‎18/‎05/‎2021 16:21:55 - 16:22:29

Recorded Steps: 11, Missed Steps: 0, Other Errors: 0

Operating System: 19041.1.amd64fre.vb_release.191206-1406

Step 1: User left click on „Microsoft Edge (region)“ in „ILIAS Marburg - Vorlesung 6 - [InPrivate] - Microsoft​ Edge“
Program: Microsoft Edge, 90.0.818.62, Microsoft Corporation, MSEDGE.EXE –PROFILE-DIRECTORY=DEFAULT, MSEDGE.EXE
UI Elements: View, View, View, BrowserView, Microsoft Edge, NonClientView, ILIAS Marburg - Vorlesung 6 - [InPrivate] - Microsoft Edge (InPrivate), BrowserRootView, ILIAS Marburg - Vorlesung 6 - [InPrivate] - Microsoft​ Edge, Chrome_WidgetWin_1

Step 2: User left click on „Vorlesung 6_1 (document)“ in „Vorlesung 6_1 and 1 more page - [InPrivate] - Microsoft​ Edge“
Program: Microsoft Edge, 90.0.818.62, Microsoft Corporation, MSEDGE.EXE –PROFILE-DIRECTORY=DEFAULT, MSEDGE.EXE
UI Elements: Vorlesung 6_1, Chrome Legacy Window, Chrome_RenderWidgetHostHWND, View, View, View, BrowserView, Microsoft Edge, NonClientView, Vorlesung 6_1 - [InPrivate] - Audio playing - Microsoft Edge (InPrivate), BrowserRootView, Vorlesung 6_1 and 1 more page - [InPrivate] - Microsoft​ Edge, Chrome_WidgetWin_1

Step 3: User left click in „Vorlesung 6_1 and 1 more page - [InPrivate] - Microsoft​ Edge“
Program: Microsoft Edge, 90.0.818.62, Microsoft Corporation, MSEDGE.EXE –PROFILE-DIRECTORY=DEFAULT, MSEDGE.EXE
UI Elements:

Step 4: User keyboard input on „Vorlesung 6_1 and 1 more page - [InPrivate] - Microsoft​ Edge (window)“ in „Vorlesung 6_1 and 1 more page - [InPrivate] - Microsoft​ Edge“ [F12 … STRG-F …]
Program: Microsoft Edge, 90.0.818.62, Microsoft Corporation, MSEDGE.EXE –PROFILE-DIRECTORY=DEFAULT, MSEDGE.EXE
UI Elements: Vorlesung 6_1 and 1 more page - [InPrivate] - Microsoft​ Edge, Chrome_WidgetWin_1

Step 5: User left double click in „Vorlesung 6_1 and 1 more page - [InPrivate] - Microsoft​ Edge“
Program: Microsoft Edge, 90.0.818.62, Microsoft Corporation, MSEDGE.EXE –PROFILE-DIRECTORY=DEFAULT, MSEDGE.EXE
UI Elements:

Step 6: User keyboard input on „Vorlesung 6_1 and 1 more page - [InPrivate] - Microsoft​ Edge (window)“ in „Vorlesung 6_1 and 1 more page - [InPrivate] - Microsoft​ Edge“ [… STRG-C]
Program: Microsoft Edge, 90.0.818.62, Microsoft Corporation, MSEDGE.EXE –PROFILE-DIRECTORY=DEFAULT, MSEDGE.EXE
UI Elements: Vorlesung 6_1 and 1 more page - [InPrivate] - Microsoft​ Edge, Chrome_WidgetWin_1

Step 7: User left click on „New Tab (button)“ in „Vorlesung 6_1 and 1 more page - [InPrivate] - Microsoft​ Edge“
Program: Microsoft Edge, 90.0.818.62, Microsoft Corporation, MSEDGE.EXE –PROFILE-DIRECTORY=DEFAULT, MSEDGE.EXE
UI Elements: New Tab, NewTabButton, Tab bar, TabStripRegionView, TopContainerView, BrowserView, Microsoft Edge, NonClientView, Vorlesung 6_1 - [InPrivate] - Microsoft Edge (InPrivate), BrowserRootView, Vorlesung 6_1 and 1 more page - [InPrivate] - Microsoft​ Edge, Chrome_WidgetWin_1

Step 8: User keyboard input on „New tab and 2 more pages - [InPrivate] - Microsoft​ Edge (window)“ in „New tab and 2 more pages - [InPrivate] - Microsoft​ Edge“ [… STRG-V EINGABE]
Program: Microsoft Edge, 90.0.818.62, Microsoft Corporation, MSEDGE.EXE –PROFILE-DIRECTORY=DEFAULT, MSEDGE.EXE
UI Elements: New tab and 2 more pages - [InPrivate] - Microsoft​ Edge, Chrome_WidgetWin_1

Step 9: User left click on „Downloads (document)“
Program: Microsoft Edge, 90.0.818.62, Microsoft Corporation, MSEDGE.EXE –PROFILE-DIRECTORY=DEFAULT, MSEDGE.EXE
UI Elements: Downloads, Chrome Legacy Window, Chrome_RenderWidgetHostHWND, DialogClientView, NonClientView, RootView, Chrome_WidgetWin_1, New tab and 2 more pages - [InPrivate] - Microsoft​ Edge, Chrome_WidgetWin_1

Step 10: User left click on „File name: (edit)“ in „Save As“
Program: Microsoft Edge, 90.0.818.62, Microsoft Corporation, MSEDGE.EXE –TYPE=UTILITY –UTILITY-SUB-TYPE=CHROME.MOJOM.UTILWIN –FIELD-TRIAL-HANDLE=1860,15431126447643774808,3411389655388387767,131072 –LANG=EN-US –SERVICE-SANDBOX-TYPE=NONE –MOJO-PLATFORM-CHANNEL-HANDLE=6208 /PREFETCH:8, MSEDGE.EXE
UI Elements: File name:, Edit, File name:, AppControlHost, Details Pane, PreviewBackground, Folder Layout Pane, Element, Explorer Pane, HWNDView, DUIViewWndClassName, Save As, #32770, New tab and 2 more pages - [InPrivate] - Microsoft​ Edge, Chrome_WidgetWin_1

Step 11: User keyboard input on „File name: (edit)“ in „Save As“ [… EINGABE]
Program: Microsoft Edge, 90.0.818.62, Microsoft Corporation, MSEDGE.EXE –TYPE=UTILITY –UTILITY-SUB-TYPE=CHROME.MOJOM.UTILWIN –FIELD-TRIAL-HANDLE=1860,15431126447643774808,3411389655388387767,131072 –LANG=EN-US –SERVICE-SANDBOX-TYPE=NONE –MOJO-PLATFORM-CHANNEL-HANDLE=6208 /PREFETCH:8, MSEDGE.EXE
UI Elements: File name:, Edit, File name:, AppControlHost, Details Pane, PreviewBackground, Folder Layout Pane, Element, Explorer Pane, HWNDView, DUIViewWndClassName, Save As, #32770, New tab and 2 more pages - [InPrivate] - Microsoft​ Edge, Chrome_WidgetWin_1

/app/www/public/data/pages/knowledge_base/sonstiges/video_downloading/unimarburg_opencast.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2021/09/24 19:10 von